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Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

Warning signs of breast cancer can be detected when lump grows large enough to either be felt or seen on a mammogram. Sometimes a tumor isn't found for many years. The tumor may distort the shape of the breast or the texture of the skin as it becomes larger. This is because surrounding tissues become fixed to the tumor. The tumor will grow through the breast to the outer skin if left untreated.

Breast changes occur in almost all women and most of these changes are not cancer. Usually early breast cancer does not cause pain or has other warning signs, but there are some warning signs of breast cancer you should watch for.

Warning signs of breast cancer:

warning Signs of Breast Cancer

A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area.

warning Signs of Breast Cancer

A change in the size or shape of the breast.

A redness or scaling of the skin or nipple.

warning Signs of Breast Cancer

A discharge from the nipple or nipple turning inward.

If you experience one or more of these signs, it doesn't absolutely mean you have breast cancer, but you need to be examined by a doctor. To decrease the risk of having untreated breast cancer, you should make breast self exams and watch for changes regulary.

Warning signs of breast cancer description

A breast lump or thickening is probably the most common warning signs of breast cancer. It is important to distinguish between a true lump and a lumpy area of breast tissue. Don't panic if you think you feel a lump. Most women have some lumps or lumpy areas in their breasts all the time. Eight out of ten breast lumps that are removed are benign, non-cancerous.

Breast change in the size or shape is another warning sign of breast cancer that may occur as a consequence of the presence of a tumor, nipple retraction, skin changes or a combination of all three. Unilateral breast distension may occur due to a large tumour occupying the affected breast.

Nipple changes, another warning sign of breast cancer, includes inversion, alteration in skin color and discharge. The causes of nipple discharge can be cancerous and non-cancerous. If you are young and the discharge is not bloody or if it comes from more than one duct, there is less concern about breast cancer. But it is abnormal to have a change in the shape or form of the nipple.

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